Thank You

Thank You

23 November 2011

Mike's Note

Working with Devin has allowed me to visit with people who experience various problems.  One such case arose when Devin asked that I visit with patient X. After a few days Mr X died and I was able to provide family counselling, especially to his children. After spending some time with the family I was put in touch with a family friend who asked if I could please visit with them as they were in need of pastoral care and support.
It came about that their daughter was raped and is now showing signs of PTSD. Part of my work was to put the family in touch with the organisation that works with rape survivors and their families. Although my pastoral role changed from counselling to moral and prayer support, I thank God that he used me in such a situation by walking a road through their grief and court case. I will continue to provide the necessary spiritual and moral support to the patient and family.